
Let’s give all children a healthy tomorrow

Join us as we strive to inspire our children and youth to experience the joy of movement.


Why We’re Striving To Change The Future

Only one third of Canadian kids are meeting the physical activity requirements to grow and develop properly. Two-thirds of kids haven’t achieved an acceptable level of physical literacy. Kids spend at least 65% of their waking time not moving.

How We’re Building A Healthier Tomorrow

  • Free, non-competitive run club offered to schools and groups across Nova Scotia
  • Evidence and research-based best practices for programming and approach
  • Inclusive and sustainable programming that is enjoyed by all Kids Run Club members
  • Population-level health promotion intervention
  • Encouraging and educating on healthy behaviours relating to nutrition and the movement continuum

Thanks to you, our supporters, we impact the lives of as many as 17,000 children in hundreds schools across Nova Scotia every year.

Through your donations we impact the lives of as many as 17,000 children in hundreds of schools every year.

TODAY: 16,000 kids 175+ schools

3,500 kids
58 Schools

Kids Run Club Was Created By Doctors

Doctors Nova Scotia was the first medical association in Canada to offer a free running program to address inactivity in children and youth. Physicians throughout Nova Scotia recognized the rise in health concerns due to inactivity and created a population-level health promotion program to not only get kids moving, but show them how good they feel when they do so! Physicians across Nova Scotia continue to support Kids Run Club through a variety of different avenues ranging from donations and volunteering to offering their time at local clubs. Thanks to the province’s doctors, Kids Run Club impacts the lives of more than 17,000 kids across the province each year. Learn more